
"The Eartheart Journey - Healing from the heart of the Earth with the Eartheart Ambassadors"

Jennifer Hewison  (Author published Edition 1 2009, Edition 2 2015)

This, my first book, features a collection of intuitively crafted weathered wood and stone effigies created during the 1990's. These fifteen nature realm ambassadors, "The Eartheart Ambassadors for a Peaceful Planet" responded inwardly after a prayerful request to Mother Earth in which I sought a personal means to helping achieve world peace.
Reminding me that world peace is established through each individual embarking on the inner journey towards wholeness, each Ambassador offered specialised assistance drawn from the accumulated wisdom of their evolutionary lines.
After a patient ten years - while I endeavoured to live enough of their message to share it with the world - through this little book and its companion cards - and now their website - they offer us each their humble support in re-establishing our heart to heart connection with Mother Earth and our common destiny.

A6 soft cover book including The Earthearts' collective message and individual wisdoms alongside black and white images OR book and card set including fifteen full colour portrait cards. 


'Natural Abundance - The Harmony Way'
 Jennifer Hewison  (Author published 2013)
  • Exploring nature's way of graceful economy through the universal principle of harmony to restore 'all our relations' and re-enter the flow of grace
  • Unveiling the pathology of consumerism and the consumer cross-wiring that screws with our brain and keeps us competing for 'stuff '
  • Practical hints to re-fill our cups with nature's free, coherent, grace-filled gifts

      ... from slavery within a system that is designed to own us; "Natural Abundance" invites us to collapse the treadmill of manufactured dependence and celebrate instead, a prolific planet and a profoundly benevolent Universe!"
A6, Soft cover book, 181 pages