Personal Mandalas

  (pencil on black paper)

Unifying   Balancing   Harmonising   Integrating   Mirroring   Informing   Aligning   Protecting
Light   Colour   Geometry   Ratio   Vibration   Symbols   Frequency   Axis   Eye trace
Sacred Space

I produce these Mandalas through direct intuition while tapping into an individual's energy field. They represent a 'freeze-frame' of the soul's current harmonic and integration challenges and its healing pathways through them. I see them as a template for realigning and re-harmonising  the male/female and right brain /left brain polarities, the middle conscious/subconscious/ higher conscious trinity and the inner life /outer life mirrors.
 They do so by  'in-forming' and 'in-fluencing' consciousness through the eyes via the electro-magnetic frequencies of their colours, symbols and shapes and their sequencing and relationships.

'A picture paints a thousand words'  - and so can express way beyond the limitations of verbal language - accessing and influencing areas of consciousness that are beyond everyday control and awareness.

"Chemicals are the language of 
the body;
Words are the language of the mind;
 Images are the language of the soul."
Quero teaching

How to create your own Personal Mandala

You will need; coloured pencils or pastels; black drawing paper ( something with a bit of 'grain'); a circular template such as a large protractor, a saucepan lid or a plate.

To begin your process; Locate yourself in a safe comfortable environment with plenty of even and, preferably, natural light. 
Put on some gentle non-intrusive music with varying or random tones. 
Centre yourself by closing the eyes and going within. You can either do a centering and tuning in visualisation or simply meditate in silence for a few minutes. While centering, you may wish to ask your three selves - your lower subconscious self, your middle, day to day conscious self and your higher/greater 'wise parent' self - to bring any messages they have for your highest good into your heart area then down through your arms and hands and onto the paper.
When you are feeling centered and ready, open your eyes and commence drawing a circle with a white pencil using your template. As you do so, intend that this defines a sacred space of protection and safety for the purpose of exploring your inner world. The white on the black background also symbolises manifest creation emerging from the great void.
Next, allow your hands to reach for whatever colour they are drawn to and begin your mandala - without thinking - just allowing whatever expression is 'at hand'. Keeping your applications loose, free and fast is often helpful...

In case you are inclined to think, judge, assess or doubt your ability - remember - in terms of efficacy, a simple mandala comprising of, say, a purple swirl of colour can have an equally profound effect and depth of meaning as an intricate display of artistic prowess - trust yourself to produce exactly what you need - trust your inner self to use the language of art to speak to you in ways that your intellect cannot understand. Most of all trust in your right to enjoy this journey of discovery for its own sake!

After a time you will come to a point when you feel there is nothing left to do - your process (rather than the drawing) feels finished.
Make any last adjustments, sign your mandala to seal the process and pin it up where you can observe it from a distance. (The longer you observe the work the more insight and recognition you will have.) Note any feelings you had while drawing and any that are arising now.
You may wish to place your finished  mandala in a suitable position in your home, office etc whereby it's vibrational radiations can be of most benefit to you.
After a time,(usually weeks or months), the mandala will begin to feel 'old' or 'done' and won't seem attractive to you. This is your cue to remove it from your space as you are finished with the integration, balancing and harmonising it mirrored for you. Releasing it through ceremonial ritual such as burning or composting acknowledges to all parts of your being that you are done and now moving on.
You can now either create a new mandala or 'freefall' into the next phase of your journey.....